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How to export PCB 3D Video using Altium

This trick will impress your boss and colleagues no doubt, it is easy and fast while the results are fabulous.

When the PCB design process is done generating all the documentation needed by the EMS company to finish your product, including 3D models for all component one of the output that will help EMS company to deliver the product as you want it, is to generate the 3D movie showing complete product from all the angles..

So let start and film our first movie

Tip: I strongly suggest to use the 3D mouse by 3dconnexion

  • After the design of the PCB is done use a short cut “3” to change the view of the flat 2D view to 3D (picture 1). To access the movie editor menu use the PCB button at the right bottom of the screen (picture 2). In the editor menu add new movie (I’ve called mine “MyVideo”) (picture 3), you can change the name simply double clicking on the name.
  • Now we are ready to add first scene. Remember, you can not change the length of the first scene, you can only change the name.
  • Before adding second scene you have to move your PCB to the desired place, zooming, rotate, flip…..
  • When done, add the second scene, again you can rename the scene and also change the length (the default is 3 sec). If you increase this number the transition of the object will be slower, if you decrese this number the movement will be faster.
  • Now following last 2 steps you can add as many scene as you want to (picture 4).

Exporting the movie

  • Create an output job and under project outputs add the PCB 3D video (picture 5)
  • Configure the output (format,resolution, output folder etc…)
  • Enable the output and generate the video.

Let the show begin